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The Father English Food Pantry is located in the heart of Paterson, serving those most in need.
Father English was among the first food pantries to restore dignity by giving clients “Shopping Points” according to their family size and then allowing clients to shop for their needs and preferences, just as they would in a commercial supermarket. Clients may access the consumer choice food pantries as often as they need; patrons typically leave the food pantries with enough food to feed their family for one week. Clients are required to provide some basic information on the registration form, including household income, to assure that the food bank resources are going to those in need and that we can be accountable for funding that we receive from government and other agencies that support the Food Pantries.
The Father English Food Pantry also supports local food pantries in parishes and diocesan affiliates by filling in gaps; when there are needs in the local pantries. The Father English Center works collaboratively withCatholic Charities Hope House (Dover) and Parnership for Social Services Food Pantry (Franklin) to provide help and creat hope for those throughout 3 counties.
To donate to our Fr. English Food Pantry, please email [email protected] or visit
435 Main Street
Paterson, NJ 07501
Phone: (973) 279-7100 ext. 2108
[email protected]
[email protected]
Food Pantry Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
9:00AM - 12:00PM
3:30PM to 5:30PM